
Rich Mesch

Rich Mesch is the Vice President of Customer Engagement at PDG. His job is to help organizations find unique, innovative, and compelling ideas for improving their business. He is a proponent of using compelling experiences to drive behavior change, and believes that people learn best not when they’re told, but when they’re provided with the opportunity to find out for themselves. He is fascinated with applying emerging technologies to business challenges.Rich is an experienced leader who has been working with immersive learning and organizational improvement for over 25 years. He is one of the pioneers in the field of Performance Simulation, and continues to explore the possibilities of immersive technologies. He has worked as an executive, a designer, a media producer, a scriptwriter, a project manager, and a playwright. He believes that with energy and creativity, all things are possible. Rich holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Pennsylvania and is certified by Villanova University as a Six Sigma Green Belt. He is the co-author of the Wiley/ASTD book “The Gamification of Learning and Instruction Fieldbook.”
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Transformative Learning: Part 2, Applying Transformative Learning

Posted by Rich Mesch on Oct 22, 2009 12:29:00 AM

by Dawn Francis, Ed.D.

In my earlier post, we defined what transformative learning was. Your next question is probably, “so what is it good for?” Well, let’s think about the place transformative learning has in today’s organizations.

Transformative Learning and Change Management: Large-scale change initiatives require employees at all levels of the organization to reflect upon the change, prepare for it, and act upon it. Change can be disorienting. Inevitably, employees will ask: Why must I change? What is now expected of me? Will I be able to meet these expectations? How will I manage?

Companies can facilitate a dialogue among employees who are being confronted with a new and unexpected future. By relating to one another, these employees are more likely to become open to the possibility for success and willing to engage in the action planning process. As the change is managed, companies can create opportunities for these employees to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to assume new roles and build competence in them. These employees—now transformed—are likely to reintegrate into the organization with a new perspective on the change.

Transformative Learning and Performance Improvement: Designing performance improvement solutions requires you to address a number of factors that affect an organization’s ability to achieve its business goals. These factors include the skills and motivation of individual performers, as well as the processes, structures, reward systems, and culture that support them. For some people, even the most effective training may not impact performance outcomes by itself. So we frequently recommend various performance support activities to assist with the application of knowledge and skills back on the job. Coaching is an effective performance support activity that is synergistically tied to transformative learning.. The coaching process, when done effectively, leads to transformative learning.

Organizations with formal or informal coaching practices in place may want to reevaluate them and intertwine the coaching process steps with the transformative learning steps. Here’s why: successful coaches ask powerful questions that prompt introspection and critical self-examination. They can facilitate peer-to-peer sessions where conversations can lead to new perspectives. They can work with the person they’re coaching to explore options, create action plans, recommend learning opportunities, assist in the building of self-confidence and competence, and help apply that new understanding to workplace practices. Coaching becomes a powerful tool for personal transformation and performance improvement.

So now that we’ve looked at some of the ways organizations can apply transformative learning, please come back for Part 3: Case Studies in Transformative Learning, for some examples of how organizations are applying transformative learning in the real world!

Topics: Series, Performance Improvement, Learning Theory, Transformative Learning

Conversations with Clark

Posted by Rich Mesch on Oct 21, 2009 5:19:00 AM



by Rich Mesch

I’m blessed to know some of the smartest people in this industry. My friend Clark Aldrich pinged me today to take a look at the new post on his fantastic blog, Clark Aldrich On Simulations and Serious Games. I’m glad he did, because it’s a good, provocative read. Take a look, here:

Clark suggested that “I am sure my newest entry will offend just about everyone!!”
With Clark's permission, I wanted to share my response to him. I think some of what Clark is writing about is going to define the future of organizational learning. Here’s what I had to say:
Well, THAT made me go and read it!
If it offends people, I think that’s only the nature of speaking truth to power. I think I may benefit from not coming from a formal training background (but having worked with formal training people most of my life), but pretty much everything you said rings true to me. The inherent problems are that:

  1. T&D Departments sometimes exist to perpetuate themselves, not to improve performance in organizations (there, that should offend someone)
  2. Techniques are lagging indicators, not leading indicators. T&D, on average, does what worked ten years ago, not what works today.
  3. Culturally, we have to break out of the notion that learning is something that is done to you, or something you do to achieve an external goal, as opposed to something that helps you live your life.
  4. Most of all, training designers are NOT supposed to be meeting their personal goals, they’re supposed to be meeting the needs of their audience.

You’re just speaking truth. The great schism of learning is going to be the formalists versus the informalists. You and I have been in this game long enough to see that the stuff that people really retain, really apply, really use rarely comes in the form of formal curriculum. And while we were having this discussion, the five billionth person on earth logged onto the internet and learned something informally. He didn’t need the permission of the Formal Learning Cabal. He doesn’t even know it exists. So humans are going to behave this way whether we like it or not. The only question is, who’s going to be smart enough to recognize that?
Okay, we're back in real time here. I thought about editing some of that, but I decided to leave it as is. The one thing I didn't say was: what's really going to work is going to be a mix of the formal and the informal. The challenge of knowledge transfer and knowledge application won't go away. But right now, we do too much as transfer, and not nearly enough as application.

However, I encourage you to disagree with me-- that's what the comments section below is for!

Topics: Emerging Technologies, Performance Improvement, Informal Learning

Becoming a Business Partner Tip # 4: Link Learning and Performance Interventions to Business Impact

Posted by Rich Mesch on Oct 16, 2009 1:37:00 PM

by Sherry Engel

According to an ROI Institute study of Fortune 500 CEOs, 96 percent of executives want to see the business impact of learning; yet only 8 percent receive it now. Similarly, 74 percent of executives want to see ROI data, but only 4 percent have it now.

Ok…I’m going a bit out of order with my tips (this is actually Tip # 4 in my series), but I saw this fact and just had to share! In order to become a successful business partner (remember, that’s our goal!), we need to “speak the business speak” and we do that by talking in terms of business impact. A great new resource is hitting the presses on October 28th. Jack and Patti Phillips are releasing a new book titled "Measuring for Success: What CEOs Really Think About Learning Investments". According to the ROI Institute website, “This book shows what executives are requiring and requesting and in the future will be demanding. In simple, easy terms, the book shows how to provide what executives need.” 

Evaluation is not something that is just done at the end of a project. As you are analyzing the business, performance and learning needs, you should be planning and designing your evaluation strategy. Jack and Patti Phillip’s book titled “Beyond Learning Objectives” is another great resource for planning and evaluating at all levels from reaction, to learning, to performance to business impact to ROI. 

 Next week, we will go back and start at Tip # 1:  Know Your Client Inside and Out.

Topics: Series, Performance Improvement

Transformative Learning: Part 1, An Overview

Posted by Rich Mesch on Oct 16, 2009 2:08:00 AM

by Dawn Francis, Ed.D.

You may have noticed that  I’m presenting a paper in November at the 8th International Transformative Learning Conference. You might be wondering: What exactly is transformative learning? How is it different from other types of learning? How can I use it to achieve business and performance results in my organization?

Let me answer these questions by, first, posing one to you.

Have you ever been presented with a situation that caused you to critically question your assumptions and expectations?

If so, you’ve experienced the first steps in the transformative learning process. There are 10 steps to transformation: 
  1. Experiencing a disorienting dilemma
  2. Engaging in self-examination
  3. Assessing internalized assumptions; making assumptions more permeable
  4. Relating to others; recognizing the problem is shared
  5. Exploring options for new ways of being
  6. Planning for action
  7. Acquiring knowledge and skills to implement the action plan
  8. Trying out new roles; assessing them
  9. Building competence
  10. Reintegrating into life with the new perspective

You’ll notice that knowledge and skill building are part of the transformative learning process. However, transformative learning is more than the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Transformative learning is about shifting mindsets, changing perspectives, and interpreting the world through a new lens.

Transformative learning was originated by Jack Mezirow in the late 1970s and has advanced as a theoretical framework in adult education over the past thirty years. To learn more about transformative learning, check out these books: Transformative dimensions of adult learning by Jack Mezirow, and “Learning to think like an adult: Core concepts of transformation theory” in Learning as transformation: Critical perspectives on a theory in progress.

So now that you know what transformative learning is, you’re probably wondering how it applies to learning in today’s organizations. I’ll be covering that in Part 2 of this series, “Applying Transformative Learning.”

Topics: Series, Performance Improvement

Virtual Worlds and the Hype Cycle

Posted by Rich Mesch on Oct 9, 2009 9:46:00 AM

by Rich Mesch

When Gartnedescribe the imager announced their recent report on virtual worlds and business a few days ago, I rather cynically tweeted: "Gartner reports on virtual worlds in business.*Now* can we take it seriously?"

Okay, that wasn't fair, at least not to Gartner. Virtual worlds have been on Gartner's Hype Cycle pretty much since they've existed. For 2009, virtual worlds were dangerously close to Gartner's "Trough of Disillusionment." What that pretty much means is that people are no longer taken in by the "ooh, shiny!," answer-to-all-your-prayers hype surrounding the technology, and are starting to ask questions like, "what is this really good for?"

And that's a good thing. Because virtual worlds aren't a panacea. They're not good for everything. But they are great for some things. And as soon as business gets comfortable with the things virtual worlds are good for, we can get away from the hype and actually begin using them to become more productive. It's not surprising that the next phase after the Trough of Disillusionment is the Slope of Enlightenment. That's the part of the cycle where we get smart about what this technology is really good for, leading to the Plateau of Productivity.

I remember when I first started building business simulations almost 25 years ago. We had a huge challenge explaining to clients why simulations were useful-- and we had to be very careful not to call them "games," because business people didn't play games. Today, simulation is a widely accepted and highly desirable learning approach. And if you've been at this long enough, you may remember a time when online meetings were considered a cheap replacement for live meetings. After all, who would attend a meeting on their computer? Things change.

Virtual worlds is a technology I believe in. Over the next few weeks, I want to share some best practices with you: what virtual worlds are good for, how business is adopting them effectively, and some of the pitfalls and opportunities you may face in bringing virtual worlds into your organization.

C'mon along and surf that hype cycle with me....

Topics: Emerging Technologies, Virtual Worlds

Learning Partner or Business Partner?

Posted by Rich Mesch on Oct 7, 2009 2:24:00 PM

by Sherry Engel

Learning Director, Performance Consultant, Training Partner…is your title similar to any of these? How does your client view you…as a learning partner or a business partner? I don’t know about you, but while my title is Performance Consultant, I want to be viewed as a Business Partner. After all, in our profession, what really is our goal? Is it for individuals to learn more? Is it for them to apply their learning and perform differently? Or is it to truly provide a measurable impact to the business’s bottom-line? Ask any CEO, and I can guarantee what their response would be!

So how do we become business partners and not just the typical learning or performance partner? Here are some quick tips!

 1 – Know your client inside and out

  • What are their business goals and objectives?
  • What changes are they facing in the industry and/or marketplace?
  • What metrics are on their scorecard?

 2- Establish a consultative relationship with your client

3 – Discover the true source of performance and business gaps

  • Analyze causes/sources of performance gaps
  • Identify how those gaps impact business results

4 - Link learning and performance interventions to business impact

  • Plan for evaluation from the beginning (Check this book out! “Beyond Learning Objectives” by Jack and Patti Phillips)
  • Evaluate beyond just Level 1 and 2
  • Speak the “business speak” not the “learning speak” 

    So, let me ask you again… you want to be viewed as a learning partner or a business partner?

Topics: Performance Improvement

Why a blog?

Posted by Rich Mesch on Sep 28, 2009 4:12:00 AM

by Rich Mesch

Okay, I admitwhy a duck when I titled this post, I couldn't help but think of the famous "Why a Duck?" scene from the Marx Brothers' 1929 film "The Cocoanuts." If you've never seen it, Groucho attempts to explain how to purchase real estate to the hapless Chico. Things are going well until Groucho points out a viaduct on the blueprints. Mis-hearing "viaduct" as "why a duck?", Chico cannot continue learning until his question is answered. Why a duck, indeed?

The two things we can reasonably conclude from this lead in is:

1. I dig the Marx Brothers

2. Words contain the ability to illuminate and to confuse.

So we know we don't want our words to confuse. We want to make sure all of our efforts lead to improved performance. So why don't they? Well, there are a lot of reasons:
  • The problem we think we're solving isn't the real problem 
  • We've got the right idea, but our audience (or our stakeholders, or our audience's managers) isn't ready for it yet 
  • We've communicated what, but not how or why 
  • We're providing help on the wrong thing, or at the wrong time, or to the wrong people 
  • We're telling instead of showing, supporting, immersing, or involving

This blog has contributors from many walks of life. We have:

Performance Consultants, who will be sharing their experiences and best practices for effective performance improvement

Emerging Technologies Experts, who can tell you about the way technology can support your efforts (including some technologies you thought you already knew about... and some you may not have heard of yet)

User Experience Architects and Visual Designers, who will share what they know about making solutions meaningful, memorable, and immersive

Why a blog? Because we love what we do. We're passionate about it. We want to share it with you, and we want to hear your comments and get some discussion going.

Welcome aboard! Ready to have some fun?

Topics: General